#takethesquare #globalcamp

Plaza del Sol, Madrid, late May 2011.

This is an on-going directory of digital resources in English to follow the protests in Spain and take them a step further into global action. It has not been updated since June 1st, and it won´t be. For updates in English, follow @takethesquare. If you read Spanish, sígueme.
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// Last updates 01/06/11//
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Please help us communicate in English!
Contribute with comprehensive articles and texts in English (you can send the links as comments, I will update them).

So, what´s happening in Spain?

Plain facts: on Sunday 15th May a big demonstration took place in Madrid, following a call initiated by the group Democracia Real Ya (Real Democracy Now). After the demonstration, some people decided to go on with the protest, spending the night in Plaza del Sol. This was the beginning of what we now call Acampada Sol (Sol Camp). During the next days, more people joined Acampada Sol and camps began to spread all over the country. Right now there is one in every main city. Decisions are taken by local assemblies, open to everyone willing to participate. The movement is: 1. horizontal and decentralized: there are no leaders or representatives, and 2. non-violent.

Since the movement gathers a variety of groups and individuals, there is not just one manifesto, but many. These are some of them (others are being released by the local camps):

Democracia Real Ya manifesto
Acampada Sol Madrid manifesto
Acampada Barcelona manifesto (scroll down for English version)
No Les Votes manifesto

Why? What for?
Here you can read some more in-depth analysis (keep in mind that they reflect only the viewpoint of their authors or the group they stand for):

“It’s Not Just Indignation: Inventing new ways of doing politics” by Universidad Nómada
“Tens of thousands protest in Madrid and they are not leaving” by Universidad Nómada

“Rebellion of the Indignant: Notes from Barcelona’s Tahrir Square by Josep Maria Antentas and Esther Vivas
“Protests: Has the Revolution Come to Spain?” by Lisa Abend and Eric Karlsen, TIME
“Yes we camp’ activists hit Spanish streets” by Leila Nachawati, Aljazeera
“The left at the abyss of democracy. Between 11-March 2004 and 15-May 2011” by Marcelo Expósito, Tomás Herrero and Emmanuel Rodríguez, Universidad Nómada
“15M Movement – Spain” by p2p Foundation

Hashtags and accounts providing updates in English:

Spanish Revolution page on Facebook (in Spanish)
Take the square page on Facebook
Camps around the world
Pictures and videos of camps and concentrations in Europe
Campmap. Click on the image.

Video streaming from Plaza del Sol in Madrid
Periodismo Humano

“Spanish Revolution”
“Spain taken the street for a true democracy”
“Week of Rage: Protests Spreading Worldwide”
Image galleries
#spanishrevolution Flickr group
#europeanrevolution Flickr group
Pictures by Julio Albarrán
Audio files
The sounds of a revolution? by Mediateletipos
#bookcamp library
Some books to understand how we ended up in Sol by
Entorno de posibilidades

This entry was posted in post dos-punto-cero, post-politicas, sociedad red. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to #takethesquare #globalcamp

  1. P. says:

    gonna relay this further, gracias !!!

  2. Alex Higgins says:

    Add your blog here… Please add items to help spread the news

    Añade tu blog aquí … Por favor, añadir elementos para ayudar a difundir la noticia


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